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Contenu de l'offre SENIOR TRAFFIC MANAGER chez Typology


We're looking for someone to join our Growth team and work closely with our Growth Lead and our Junior Traffic Manager to help shape and scale our acquisition.

There are currently 6 people in the Growth team : 1 Growth Lead, 1 Traffic Manager, 2 Developers, 1 Webdesigner and 1 Product Manager. You would be reporting to the Growth Lead.

The challenge: Scale our online budget in several countries, define processes, find the right opportunities, & possibly lead a junior team.

Your responsibilities would include:
Managing monthly budgets across channels (Facebook, Google, Snapchat, Tiktok, Display etc...) and countries (FR, UK, US)
Optimization and daily monitoring of campaigns Test&learn with our copywriter Creating feedback loops for our creative team Finding new online opportunities Realization of online reports Improving landing page conversions The really important stuff

Fantastic opportunity to make a difference: the global consumer markets we are targeting are a trillion-dollar opportunity, but with very little innovation. We believe we are uniquely positioned to disrupt these industries with our proven disruptive experience and resources.

Good Brands is a start-up and intends to keep the start-up culture: casual work attire, friendly, open-space work environment, and fast-paced decision-making. If you are feeling too comfortable with the corporate world, this is probably not for you.


You have 3 to 5 years experience as a Junior/Advanced Traffic Manager in a fast growing start up / scale up or as an Account Manager in a strong web agency and you want to gain responsibility. You have proven skills in SEA and/or Social paid.

You have the ability to multitask, organize, prioritize and collaborate. You have excellent interpersonal skills, you are rigorous, responsive. You have an analytical mind & a team spirit. You are data-driven.

Additional skills required include time-management, an eye for detail and problem solving skills. Good general knowledge of digital, and internet advertising and a good understanding of UX / user behaviour. Good practice of ad serving solutions. Proficiency with Excel and Google Analytics is also

We're looking for someone driven by the startup environment with “open-minded”, “get shit done” and “extra-mile” values.


Prequalification HR call
1st Interview with the hiring manager
1 day test & lunch with the team : may include additional interviews, work situation, assignment
Reference check


Contract Type: Full-Time Start Date: 07 September 2020 Location: Paris, France (75013) Education Level: Bachelor's Degree Experience: > 3 years Possible partial remote
Cpf final 4

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