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Contenu de l'offre Growth Hacker chez Ubble

75002 Paris 2e In less than 2 years, ubble has become an iconic French player in online identity verification. Its technologies based on real-time video recognition is unique in the world. Traditional players (Carrefour, Crédit Agricole, etc.) and start-ups (Heetch, Bolt, Side, Stuart, etc.) are already among our convinced customers. In the heart of French-tech, ubble offers a pleasant, inspiring and dynamic work environment. 30 employees have already joined us to make the project grow.

Your missions :
The Sales & Marketing team currently has fewer than 10 people and is set to grow rapidly. This is the perfect time to join us and help us change our dimension, contributing to the commercial development of Ubble and the structuring of its activities.
The position is key in the business strategy of the company since it addresses the logic of customer acquisition and must feed the pipe of opportunity: it is therefore at the crossroads of the Marketing, Sales Strategy and Sales Execution teams. In addition to being a good technician and growth hacker, we are looking for a comfortable profile in the field, which combines dynamism, excellent business sense and very good interpersonal skills.
The growth hacker will thus take on two complementary responsibilities within our Sales & Marketing team:
i) The generation of Marketing Qualified Lead which will then be used by the sales teams, in particular:
Execute the campaigns defined by the Sales Strat and the Sales Accelerator: enrichment of target account lists, generation of lead lists, configuration and monitoring of sequences with A / B testing… Ensure the continuous development of “hacks” in order to identify leads, in parallel with campaigns, based on their “online behavior” (membership of groups, Linkedin monitoring, etc.) and their consumption of ubble content Co-define with the Senior Marketing & Communication Manager the SEO and advertising strategies, and optimize their ROI ii) Management of tools and data throughout the sales tunnel in order to optimize the collective efficiency of the Sales & Marketing teams
Build and develop the base of tools for Sales & Marketing teams, its interconnection and integration with CRM Take action during the production and distribution of communication media in order to track and measure the consumption by our prospects of the product content Be responsible for data Sales & Marketing: know how to collect it, analyze it and draw concrete recommendations to improve our campaigns, our processes and our working methods As Ubble develops, it will be a question of taking a Lead cap in order to :
Identify and recruit the skills to internalize Manage all or part of the team created Address the challenges of internationalization of Ubble and define growth strategies when targeting new countries and new segment

Your Profile :

We are looking for a person with high potential, who will build ubble growth intelligence and who will be able to supply lead to rapidly growing sales teams.
Adequacy with ubble culture (agility, entrepreneurial spirit, fighting spirit) Ability to work in a team (questioning, humility, challenge culture) Ability to learn quickly (curiosity, rapid appropriation of new subjects, logical and inventive spirit) Strong analytical capacity to generate insights from a large amount of data An experienced profile or 1 year + of experience in Growth B2B are essential, such as the ability to create hacks to feed the pipeline of prospects Technical knowledge and familiarity with growth hacking tools Fluent English, other European language is a +

Our proposition :

An opportunity to build your position and take responsibility by joining us early in the adventure The opportunity to learn every day from your teammates, including the founders The challenge of making an actor grow up to be the European leader in remote identity verification in a short time An attractive package to define according to your profile A strong and healthy corporate culture, based on mutual aid and high standards International management and work perspectives

Our Hiring process :

We receive your application, your future manager will contact you for an alignment telephone discussion. He sends you a "home assignment", which you will have 1 week to complete and send back to him. - We invite you to come and meet us physically for an afternoon of immersion. All the ubblers participate, this will allow you to meet 6 of your future colleagues, during 3 interviews - in a period of confinement these 3 interviews will of course take place remotely.
Cpf final 4

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