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Technical data management officer Nutrition & Ice Cream Europe

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Contenu de l'offre Technical data management officer Nutrition & Ice Cream Europe chez Unilever

Technical data management officer Nutrition & Ice Cream Europe


Unilever Nutrition and Ice Cream business in Europe are large and highly successful and their R&D teams are at the heart of creating and delivering of benefit-led, innovative products across our world-renowned global (e.g. Magnum, Knorr, Hellman, Cornetto, Walls), premium (e.g. B&J, GROM) and regional (e.g. Amora, Marmite,  Cremissimo, Ingman, Evga, Cucciolone) brands.  The R&D teams for Nutrition and Ice Cream (N&I) are split in 2 central teams (Hive Wageningen, The Netherlands for Nutrition and Colworth, UK for ice cream) who design the innovation & renovations for the 2 businesses, as well as a network of small & mighty local teams based in each of the EU markets who enable the deployment and landing of the innovation & renovation programme in each of the markets.  

The Technical Data Management EU N&I officer will be responsible for the delivery the critical technical tasks required for the “last mile” of the innovation/renovation process across the whole Nutrition and Ice Cream programmes in Europe. The job holder will be based in one of the markets around Europe and will report to the Technical Data Management EU N&I Lead. The job holder will support the Technical Data Management EU N&I Lead by leading key continuous improvement projects for the team and by coordinating the rest of the local technical data management team in their local market.


Create and manage the local technical data

Complete local specifications (CU-PIRD) for Nutrition and Ice Cream projects in Europe on time in full to enable digital data to flow to customers ahead of the products reaching the markets
Input and review local technical data in the artworks process with an objective of zero noncompliance or market incidents
Take part in local golden triangle to risk assess any claims, business requests (e.g. saleable trials) and review any competitor, market challenges.
Answering product & pack related enquires that come in via the careline & CD. This refers to data available in the CU-PIRDS.
Adapting projects Q&As (questions & answers) for the local market.


Working knowledge of local foods regulations
Fully operational in the artwork process 
Highly collaborative spirit inspiring teamwork & collaboration 
Ability to identify opportunities for improvement
A balanced, calm approach to deliver projects in tight timelines 
Fluent in local language(s) on top of English


Intermediate or higher professional education in Food Science /Data Science or related areas
Fully operational in SAP PLM

Unilever is an organisation committed to equity, inclusion and diversity to drive our business results and create a better future, every day, for our diverse employees, global consumers, partners, and communities. We believe a diverse workforce allows us to match our growth ambitions and drive inclusion across the business. At Unilever we are interested in every individual bringing their ‘Whole Self’ to work and this includes you! Thus if you require any support or access requirements, we encourage you to advise us at the time of your application so that we can support you through your recruitment journey.


Location: Rueil Malmaison, France

Type: Full time

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Technical data management officer Nutrition & Ice Cream Europe
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