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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Unisystems

Maintain the already existing functional specifications and XML schemas (ISO 20022). Provide clarifications to the users of the documentation and update the documents where relevant. Create new specifications where relevant, including modelling of business processes, drafting functional specifications, data modelling, design XML schemas (compliant with ISO 20022 standard). Prepare test plans and test specifications, including sample XML messages. Coordinate the execution of tests, follow up on the incidents. Assist the project manager in project management activities (e.g. work planning, preparation of reports, follow up on risks and issues, etc.). Prepare and conduct workshops/meetings with project stakeholders. Develop business cases and approaches/methodologies to the analysis work.

Minimum 6 years of relevant experience. University degree (BSc) in computer science, computer engineering or business administration or equivalent. Knowledge of working in the financial market and, experienced in regulatory IT projects and European regulatory data reporting frameworks (such as MiFID, EMIR or similar financial sector regulations). Excellent knowledge of methodologies and practical experience in defining and documenting requirements, both functional and non-functional. Experience in drafting tests specification, as well as performing and coordinating tests. Excellent analytical skills and a problem-solving attitude. Very good command of oral and written English. Excellent knowledge in using Microsoft applications, including Word, Excel, Power Point, Visio. Experience in data mapping/modelling. Experience in XML/XSD or similar technologies. Advantageous: Knowledge of financial instruments and securities markets processes. Knowledge of data reporting standards (e.g. ISO 20022 or similar).

Primary Location: France Job: IT Professionals Schedule: Regular Shift: Standard Job Type: Full-time Day Job Job Posting: 22-Oct-2018, 7:06:27 AM
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