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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst (SAS/VBA) chez Unisystems

France With the aim of scrutinizing the effective implementation of the IFRS9 standard in the European Union, our Client is launching the process for a benchmarking exercise. The objective of this benchmarking exercise is to understand to what extent the use of different methodologies, models, inputs and scenarios could lead to material inconsistencies in the ECL outcomes impacting own funds and regulatory ratios.
Supporting the process for managing an ad-hoc data collection, focussed on IFRS9. In particular, he/she will have to contribute to the following tasks:
Prepare work to start at beginning of September (to design the data model, implement, test – ETL); Collect data (Quantitative and Qualitative) from banks (SAS/IRB); Analysis of considerable volumes of data (Excel files), checking the accuracy, consistency and comparability of the data; Quality ad validation of data (potential feedback to Banks/Analysts); Supporting business analysts in the analysis of data Load from tables to DB; Extract from tables to SAS; Explore/report/mine data (SAS); Provide reports (SAS); Support Analysts wishing to use SAS data for exploration. Qualifications Bachelor Degree or Master's Degree; At least 6 years of experience in BA (with Business Knowledge of the data); Expert knowledge of SAS and VBA; Experience in reporting using common reporting tools and data model analysis; Knowledge of Data warehouse/OLAP concepts and of Dimensional Modelling, as well as of the use of common RDBMS at the database design and development level. Exposure to complex dimensional data models; Proven ability in the logical and physical design of relational databases; Proven experience in the specification of performance tuning, administration and security requirements. Excellent written and spoken English Level (C1) is mandatory. French is an asset.
Cpf final 4

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Business Analyst (SAS/VBA)
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