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Contenu de l'offre Data Manager chez Universe Technology


His/her mission involves the technical implementation of the system with each data provider (internal or external), set up a data acquisition and qualification strategy and provide the internal teams with the best solutions to use this data.

As such, he will have to be attentive to the needs while being proactive to evangelize this data strategy. In very short terms, this Data Manager will be able to constitute a dedicated team to help him/her in these missions.

The ideal candidate will have proven track record in data strategy & implementation, and have a deep understanding of marketing opportunities offered by data.

The role requires a very strong technical background while having perfectly understood how data can help develop all direct and indirect revenues.

A successful experience in the sports marketing will be appreciated.

Responsibilities for the successful candidate will include:

Help implement the long-term data strategy for every OM internal teams. Participate in the strategic choices of technical solutions for storage and use of data. Integrate the technical data brick with all existing bricks. Be the privileged interlocutor of the marketing teams to offer the best tools to promote OM products, understand the market and detect opportunities while proposing solutions to enrich the fan experience. In charge of CRM strategy (B2C & B2B) - tools and exploitation. Imagine & set up a data acquisition and qualification strategy.

Design and implement processes to facilitate the operation, visualization, reconciliation and calculation of data.

Skills, experience & requirements

Masters degree or 5 years of higher education, a graduate of an engineering or multimedia school or a university degree specialized in a digital field. Min 8/10 years experience in digital with track record in data strategy (not only at a technical level but also with solid experiences related to marketing issues). Concrete experiences as a manager. Experience in database management, data warehouse construction, visualization of data and skills in technical architecture. Advanced scripting functions. Passion for data, numbers and statistics. English & French: fluent

· You are Thorough, Available, Curious and Creative· With a great capacity to adapt, you enjoy working in a team

Do you see yourself? Then become part of a powerful, interdisciplinary team and apply with your most updated CV and your daily rate at for consideration.

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