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Contenu de l'offre Internship - Web analyst H/F chez Veepee

The vente-privee group has consolidated its various European brands, together made up of 6000 employees, under one unified conglomerate: Veepee. This coalescence marks a new chapter in its European history.
With Privalia, vente-exclusive, Designer & Friends, Zlotewyprzedaze, Eboutic and vente-privee, Veepee achieved a 3.7 billion Euro turnover as of 2018. Present in 14 countries now, Veepee is taking a leading role in the European digital commerce landscape.
Our 6000 employees have chosen a job at Veepee to spice up their daily lives! Our teams implement new technologies to fuel our strategies, offering our customers the best possible experience.
Are you eager to learn?
Veepee offers you a variety of trades to develop your career, enabling you to renew your skills constantly. Tech, logistics, sales, marketing, sales production: join us on an exciting, digital-centered journey.
As a Web Analyst intern you will join our Data Analytics team, which is directly in contact with the product teams and the marketing.
Managed by a web analyst, you will help the team in the following missions :
Define the tagging plan and validate the data quality Perform ad-hoc analysis related to business problematics and deliver actionable insights and recommendations Follow the AB test performance : definition of the KPIs with the business and analysis of the results Monitor the products performance by creating and updating dashboards Support and train the teams in the use of our web analytics tool Contribution in spreading a data-driven mindset within the company


You are familiar with a web analytics tool (Mixpanel, Google Analytics, Adobe...) and tracking implementation Analytical, organised and highly detail-oriented You are data driven and have a high interest about e-commerce You have good communication skills You have a strong team spirit and like to share your best practices to your co-workers You are fluent in English Belonging to Veepee, <vpTech/> is one of the biggest tech communities in Europe with more than 800 IT collaborators.
From Warsaw to Barcelona, through Lyon, Nantes, Tel Aviv, Brussels, Nice, Amsterdam, and Paris, all our projects are developed in a functional environment with a wide skills variety where you’ll be sure to find your place, no matter the technology you want to work with.
If you love to try things why don’t you jump on this new adventure?
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Internship - Web analyst H/F
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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