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Contenu de l'offre B2C Data Analyst chez Vestiaire Collective

Vestiaire Collective is looking for an analytical and technically skilled B2C Data Analyst to join our Marketplace team.

About the role

This position will be responsible for identifying, leading and executing key analyses and projects to contribute to the growth of the marketplace and drive process improvement. The position will report to the B2C Manager and focus on topics such as seller engagement, assortment optimization, vendors recruitment, category performance, etc.

This role requires a strong business sense and excellent analytical skills and problem-solving abilities, with the ability to identify areas of business opportunity / improvement and translate insight into actionable strategy. The successful candidate will be comfortable with challenges, with strong attention to details and the ability to adapt to a fast-changing environment.


Perform analyses to support strategic business decision making, based on external and internal data. E.g. Commission structure, entering a new category, … Analyze and report on key performance metrics Own implementation and improvement of self-service tools and dashboards for the team Support ad hoc analyses needs across the team, both on growth opportunities and process improvement topics Lead ad hoc internal and cross-team projects: New dashboard implementation, process change, new feature testing / development, … Collaborate with other business functions / analysts within the company to constantly bring insight and innovation / improvement ideas Qualifications

Several years of experience in business strategy / analysis Strong analytical skills and ability to manage a large volume of data: Excellent excel skills, SQL even better! Experience with dashboarding tools, e.g. Tableau, Power BI and Excel Good writing and presentation skills, proven experience with producing analyses and recommendations to influence business direction What we offer

A passionate job on a permanent contract based in Paris where you will be able to express your creativity and potential; The opportunity to growth in a young global company with a strong Parisian DNA; The possibility to work with a dynamic and multidisciplinary teams.
Cpf final 4

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B2C Data Analyst
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