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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst, Product chez Vestiaire Collective

At Vestiaire Collective, we are committed to delivering the best experience for our loyal community of buyers and sellers. We are growing our team and our business into a global brand and becoming the leaders in circularity in fashion. We want everyone we work with to be change-maker, to think differently, and to innovate without compromise.

Join our talented team!

About the role

As a Data Analyst, you will play a key role in the future of Vestiaire Collective. You will report directly to the VP of Product defining KPIs, creating dashboards and analyzing data to generate hypotheses, targets and follow up on the impact we generate on the Product team. You will advocate for data driven culture, as well objective analysis over the impact of our work.

What you'll be doing

Ensure the proper definition and augment of KPIs Applies and fosters the best practices for data analytics Creates reports & dashboards for communicating insights with stakeholders Performs data driven analysis, asking questions regarding main product objectives and using the data sources to generate data insights Provides actionable Insights Applies data analysis and quantitative methods (statistics and econometrics) to provide insights. Run exploratory analysis that allows the team to generate new hypothesis and identify new opportunities Responsible for user behavior tracking that enables experimentation, testing and performance improvements in the product Works within the chapter to ensure data quality and availability Defines the data set and metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of new functionality Works closely with the data team to implement and align tracking structure inside of our application.

Who you are

Bachelor degree in Math / Statistics / Economy (data) / Engineering or related field Proven experience in projects that leveraged business intelligence capabilities, SQL, Python / R Experience in with data science & exploratory data analysis, a/b testing Proven knowledge in statistics Experience with reporting tools, such as Tableau Experience with distributed databases Experience with version control systems is a plus Software development for data analysis is a plus

What we offer

Permanent contract based in Berlin/Paris Training on SQL, Tableau and data analysis PC or Mac of your choice, it's up to you! French/English/German lessons to upgrade your level Attractive salary and bonus scheme Relocation support

About Vestiaire Collective

It all comes down to one important question: Why should so many great fashion items remain unworn in people's wardrobes?

Vestiaire Collective is a global platform that connects millions of buyers and sellers of desirable pre-loved fashion. We are global: our headquarters are in Paris and we have satellite offices in New York City, Tourcoing, Berlin and Hong Kong.

Vestiaire Collective is an equal opportunity employer. We strive to develop an inclusive work environment that reflects the diversity of our fashion activist community.

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Data Analyst, Product
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