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Business analyst intern - Blitz

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Contenu de l'offre Business analyst intern - Blitz chez Voodoo

Voodoo is a tech company that creates mobile games and apps. With 6 billion downloads and over 300 million monthly active users, Voodoo is the #2 mobile publisher worldwide in terms of downloads after Google.

The company is one of the most impressive examples of hypergrowth in the ecosystem, having raised over $1B and backed by Goldman Sachs, Tencent, and GBL. Deciding to expand its portfolio of products further, Voodoo has more recently announced that it will invest $200M in blockchain gaming studios, to lead the transformation of mobile gaming. Voodoo is now a team of over 700 employees worldwide, we’re looking for talented individuals from across the globe to come and entertain the world with us.

This role is in the Blitz team, a gaming platform launched by Voodoo in 2021. Blitz is a mobile app focused on eSport competitions, allowing to play many games to enjoy, practice, and compete with other players. Blitz allows you to play various competitive modes, including 1v1 matches, tournaments, and high score events. Some games in the Blitz App can be accessed and played in “Cash Games”, requiring payment of an entry fee and giving access to real-money prizes.


Helping with important business metrics monitoring; Helping with incident management; Managing payment and fraud operations; Performing data analysis to understand and improve the performance of products and processes related to your vertical; Designing automation solutions and standard processes.


Studying at a top-tier engineering school; Have strong problem-solving skills; Have an excellent written and oral English level; Have excellent data analytics capabilities. It’s a plus if you already had an internship experience in Consulting/Finance/B2C Tech Benefits: competitive salary, lunch vouchers, healthcare, wellness activities, remote days.
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Business analyst intern - Blitz
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