Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

Senior Talent Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Talent Acquisition Manager chez Voodoo

What will be your main challenges?
We are looking for talent interested in creating something bigger! You will be working on fun and highly scalable mobile games, played by millions of people. You will be part of a small and high performing team, and will have the opportunity to grow your skills by hiring A-Players all around the world.

You will lead & organize the entire recruitment process from screening to final offer (screening, phone/hangout calls, on-site interviews, references check, offer)

You will create and maintain strong relationships with operational managers in order to clearly understand the business & the needsYou will establish recruiting requirements by studying organization plans and objectives, and meeting with managers to discuss needs & business objectives.You will organise School / Company events to attract applicants.

What do we expect?

You have at least 5 years of prior recruitment experience in Tech or gamingYou know how to work in a start-up & fast paced environmentYou are a true business partnerYou have great analytical and organizational skillsYou are discipline and detail orientedYou are fluent in English and French

What is your team about?
Voodoo’s People Department is composed of three teams: Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding, Employees Relations and People development, Culture & Events. Our mission is to drive company performance and maintain sustainable company growth, whilst putting people at the core of everything they do. Human capital is a major contributor to overall business performance and the creation of company values. Our People team provides a long-term vision of the directions and actions to be adopted by the company by associating HR issues with overall performance. Our mission is to promote the evolution and empowerment of all employees in order to increase the overall competitiveness of the company structure.

Job Type: Full-time

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Senior Talent Acquisition Manager
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