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Contenu de l'offre Data Manager - CDI chez Wabel


Want to join a fast growing FMCG B2B relationship marketplace and being at the heart of its development?

Want to work closely with the best manufacturers of emerging brands products and retailers such as Carrefour, Casino, Amazon and many more to help them grow their business globally?

So, join our international and dynamic team!

WABEL creates business opportunities between international purchasing groups and suppliers.

We offer sourcing services to 1,700 purchasing groups and 8,000 manufacturers that are trusting WABEL to obtain new business opportunities.

We are a team of 40 people that are dedicated to change how sourcing is done today. To pursue and accelerate our growth, we are looking for a highly motivated Data Manager.

We are recruiting for a cross-functional role that touches all areas of Wable life: strategic decision making, marketing, sourcing, sales and CSM.

This position is a great opportunity to dive-in creating data models, maintaining and improving synchronizations between different databases and creating and analyzing dashboards.

Desired Skills and Expertise:

Self-starter, detail-oriented and an appetite for designing and presenting data in different ways Advanced Microsoft Excel skills Good command of MySQL Familiarity with Python (Pandas would be nice too) Basic understanding of APIs English Fluency A first experience with NLP would be a huge plus Zoho Analytics or other dashboarding knowledge is a nice extra.


You will work closely with our Business Analyst to make sure that the quality of our data is satisfying the company's current and future business needs. You make sure our data is free of any dirt, duplicates or other issues. You will lead all new data science projects: NLP, Auto-categorization, Implementation of scoring calculations. You will be making sure that our interconnections are working properly between our different systems and services (Wabel, CRM, Certain etc.). The data manager is in charge of putting in place processes for our outsourced team when manual data cleaning is needed. You will also keep track of progress by creating and regularly checking dashboards related to data integrity.


Remote working days after introductory phase Restaurant Tickets Low barriers for ideas An enthusiastic community of young people who want to make a difference

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