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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst (F/M) chez Worldline

The Context

LPP is part of Account Payment (Financial Services) within the Worldline group.

LPP (Licensed Payment Products ) provides Interbanking solutions to different Financial institutions in Europe in order to connect them to European Central Bank (Target2/Target2 Securities/Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS)), Bank of England (CHAPS), EBA Clearing House (Euro1/Step1/Step2/RT1 (Processing of SEPA Instant Credit Transfers)/Target Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS via Instructed Party RT1)), STET (Système Technologique d’Echange et de Traitement des operations SEPA) and Correspondent Banking.

CRISTAL is the reference of the management of the Liquidity: Financial institutions using our payment & liquidity software solutions process 15% of high-value payments in euros – that is more than 500 billion euro daily.

LPP teams are 52 people dedicated to:

Projects management development specifications acceptance tests technical architecture

Your Mission

Your mission… should you chose to accept it:

You will report to the specification team (PSA = Product and System Analysis Team) Internally LPP To carry out functional monitoring of central systems in place Develop functional specifications: General and Detailed Elaborate the user guides Dialogue with other teams of LPP Dialogue with our customers in the context of working meetings Internally Account Payment/EquensWorldline Establish standard product documentation to support pre-sales (Product Overview, synthetic Product Description); Support to the sales team for pre-sales (RFP answers, other process of support) Contribute to marketing collaterals (brochure, blog entries...) and presentations for clients and prospects Establish the expressions of need on development subjects, contribute to the elaboration of the supports for investments (product strategy, positioning and commercial means, business plan)

Your Profile

An interest in collaborative skills Ability to work in various organisations and teams Essential Skills: An interest in collaborative skills Ability to work in various organisations and teams French: Fluent English: Fluent Pack office Desirable skills: Understanding of financial domain, Interbanking market, payments instruments Some technical knowledge in the Unix world
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Business Analyst (F/M)
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