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Assistant Marketing Digital H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Assistant Marketing Digital H/F chez Yotha

Nice (06) Temps plein, Temps partiel, Stage

Help build the f*uture of *the yachting i*ndustry*

YOTHA is the world’s first all-online charter platform where you can tour and choose luxury yachts virtually, negotiate the best charter price directly with the owner and sign contracts securely – all in a few clicks! charterers are in safe hands with a customer service team available 7/7 - real people to advise on inspirational destination and yacht combinations, right through to overseeing highly secure payments.

Yotha Onboard and Yotha Crew are the first mobile apps dedicated to charter management - a milestone in the superyacht charter universe.

Our team in Nice is looking for a highly motivated, uniquely skilled individual, who is technically agile across a variety of disciplines to accomplish things that have never been done before.

The Job

The Digital Marketing Assistant will help identify, research, and qualify prospective content for digital crossed media. She or he will also develop our social community depending on our seasonal goals, prepare campaigns and organise our main events in September.

Creativity is your best asset!

Being familiar with any kind of creative tool is a plus. Video + photo a bigger plus. We always prefer people who are hungry for something new, something different.

We are not bling-bling!

Show off is not part of our DNA and we are not green, but our communication is organic and turquoise. We are selling incredible holidays, onboard incredible boats with the best service you could have… on earth.

The Daily

Prepare campaigns on social media and link with all our services to publish astonishing content and messages Create and share posts/stories Help organise our major events in September Assist the Digital Marketing Team

The Essentials

Love for social media, videos and photos Strong written and verbal communication skills. Fluent English is mandatory Positive attitude and work ethic in fast-paced environment. Strong organisational skills and attention to detail. Interest or knowledge about the luxury industry.

The Perks

A unique chance to start working with UHNW individuals A young, dynamic team Events with major Influencers Cocktail parties on board Yacht show fun in September.

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, Temps partiel, Stage


assistant marketing digital h/f ou similaire: 1 an (Souhaité)
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Assistant Marketing Digital H/F
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