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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez Zenly

Paris (75) Zenly began because we wanted an easy way to know what our friends were doing. Naturally we created an app - a map that lets you see your friends and what they’re up to. Millions of people around the world have since made us realize that Zenly goes beyond letting you know what your friends are doing. It actually brings you to spend more time with the people who matter most and moves you a little closer to them even when you can’t. We’re a small team of 50 passionate people determined to offer an alternative to products that were meant to connect us but only alienated us. An alternative that represents a true reflection of your world and those you care most about.
The Growth Team role

The Growth Team is a cross-functional team of product designers, data analysts and engineers. The main goal is to increase the number of users by optimizing the application through continuous experimentations. We use a data-driven approach to identify opportunities, generate hypotheses, design and test experiments on any feature of the application.

What you will do as Data Analyst within the Growth team

Participate in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of experiments Conduct advanced quantitative analysis on large and complex data sets to understand the product and identify growth opportunities Create testing strategies (e.g. A/B testing) to optimize the time-to-insights for growth experiments Design and implement dashboards to monitor the relevant metrics and get valuable learnings Perform in-depth analysis on experimental and observational data to understand user behavior, interpret the findings and communicate the learnings to the rest of the organization Develop new statistical approaches, experimentation methodologies to improve the growth cycle/process

Some examples of projects we do in the Growth Team

Optimize the on-boarding flow Provide the user with easier ways to invite their friends Increase the friend requests delivery rate Improve the first experience with the application

What skills matter for the job

2+ years minimum experience working with large data sets and turning complex data into actionable insights Strong knowledge of SQL to manipulate and analyze relational databases Ability to translate data into easy-to-understand reports Performance driven and willing to take action quickly Self-motivated and energetic team player with a strong work ethic and cooperative attitude [BONUS] Experience with A/B test principles and methodologies for controlled experiments

What to expect

Have direct impact, in days, on the company growth Be part of a company with ethics, along smart people Participate in building a product with positive incentives Enjoy our office in the Bastille area, built around a green atrium, with a fully equipped kitchen, rest areas, sound isolation booths, climbing wall between 2 floors and a massive hammock :) What we offer
Everyone at Zenly is offered a great package including: Competitive salary and RSUs plan Flexible time off policy: 30-35 vacation days per year International phone allowance Gym membership allowance Meal allowance Full health insurance for you, your partner, and your family Additional retirement plan: 3% of your gross salary is contributed every month by Zenly- Public transportation subscription reimbursement (100%) Handling of relocation/visa procedure
Plus other perks like: Weekly yoga and meditation classes (in the office) Japanese, English and French classes (in the office) Trips abroad every year for the whole team (French Alps in 2019, Sicily in 2018, Mallorca in 2017, Marrakech in 2016) Pet-friendly office Free drinks and snacks of all kinds (homemade pastry, fruits, etc.) everyday :)
For pictures and details, visit our About page!
We're more interested in your experiences - past and current projects than your resume. We'd rather hear about those and what you think you'll bring to the team. GitHub and Twitter profiles are also useful!
Zenly is involved and committed to equality and diversity in the workplace. We encourage people around the globe to apply and come visit us as we are keen to learn from others!
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