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Salesforce Business Analyst H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Salesforce Business Analyst H/F chez ZEPLUG

ZEPLUG recherche …
Who are they?
Zeplug is a fast-growing start-up that designs and develops electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure for private and public spaces. Our mission is to make EV charging simple, reliable, and accessible for everyone. We are a young, dynamic, and innovative team that is passionate about sustainable mobility and the environment. Join us to BE part of the future of transportation !

At a glance :
Zeplug is a scale up based in Paris, France, part of the Next 40 group
We support the energy transition with a focus on electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions
Our technology provides fast, reliable, and easy-to-use charging options for EVs
We already have an effective presence in the USA and are expanding globally
Our team is passionate and dedicated to making a positive impact on the world
We offer a dynamic and fast-paced work environment in a fantastic location in Paris' 9th district
Join us to help create a greener, more sustainable future.

We are looking for a Salesforce Business Analyst to join our Product Team within the Tech Team and help us continue our mission of providing the best charging experience to our customers.

As a Salesforce Business Analyst in the Product Team within the Tech Team, you will BE responsible for analyzing and improving our use of Salesforce, one of our key business systems. You will work closely with internal stakeholders across sales, marketing, and customer support to understand their needs and requirements, and then use your expertise to translate these into actionable improvements to our Salesforce system.

Responsibilities :
Work with internal stakeholders across sales, marketing, and customer support to understand their needs and requirements for Salesforce.
Use your expertise in Salesforce to analyze and improve our use of the system, including customizing workflows, managing data, and building reports and dashboards.
Work closely with the development team to ensure that customizations and integrations are developed and delivered on time and within budget.
Monitor and analyze Salesforce data and metrics to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.
Ensure that Salesforce is integrated with other business systems, such as our marketing automation platform and customer support system.
Provide training and support to internal stakeholders to help them effectively use Salesforce.
Stay up to date with the latest Salesforce features and best practices, and recommend new tools and processes to improve our use of the system.
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Salesforce Business Analyst H/F
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