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Scientific Communication Manager Vichy International

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Contenu de l'offre Scientific Communication Manager Vichy International chez L'Oréal

Your Mission:

As SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION MANAGER for Vichy International you will be responsible for defining the Consumer Scientific Communication strategy to serve the brand business objectives.

Key Responsibilities:

Responsible for the valorisation of the Vichy Science among consumers and journalists, including content strategy, partners reasoning and tone of voice Development of scientific content and knowledge on transversal topics (thermal water, exposome, neuroscience etc) Development of brand specific scientific content for "You Ask We Answer", in coordination with Social & Advocacy Manager (who manages the format & reach) Deep dives on key Brand topics (exposome, neuroscience) to fuel Scientific comms Develop and manage relations with opinion leaders and experts in the scientific community to serve the Consumer Brand strategy Participate in major international scientific events/congresses to feed teams with new knowledge and new scientific angles Define guidelines and best practices to organize local Scientific events/congresses

• Provide and coordinate scientific communication with all Brand subsidiaries answering all journalists’ questions as the scientific spokesperson for the brand (supporting them for their local events)

Coach the Health & Medical Content Managers in the Business Units on best practices and drives coherence across Business Units ?Work in a 360 Business Unit mind-set and adopt collaborative ways of working Participate to the "Medical & Science" Expert Community

Core KPI’s:

Brand scientific perception by consumers Adoption rate by countries of Scientific Communication assets developed Success of international scientific and PR events Consistency and relevancy of all scientific assets developed within business units


Brand scientific communication strategy Scientific brand communication (offline & events ; online – website & social) Guidelines and best practices for local scientific events/congresses (theme, KOLs, content)


5 to 10 years of experience in Scientific Communication and proven track record in the development of scientific content Expertise in the product development process (ingredients, etc). Strong communication skills Fluent in English and French
Cpf final 4

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Scientific Communication Manager Vichy International
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