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Customer Service Manager (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Customer Service Manager (H/F) chez ALSTOM

The Railway industry today is characterized by both a strong and sustained growth across the world. The trends that drive this are well known: environmental challenges, population growth, urbanization and increasing demands for mobility.
With 6B€ of Sales and around 30,000 employees based in over 60 countries, Alstom develop & market the most complete range of systems, equipment and services offered today in the railway sector. Today we offer our customers solutions that feature a seamless blend of diverse technologies, ensuring optimal interfaces, along with flexible implementation and real synergy in innovation.


Why Work for Us? At Alstom we offer you the opportunity to unleash your potential and reinvent yourself. As a future employee, you will have a unique opportunity to drive our organization forward, while continuing to build your career and contribute to the expanding growth of the global railway industry.

More about Alstom

Job Type: Experienced

Job Segment: Manager, Management

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Customer Service Manager (H/F)
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