À propos

ATV is one of Turkey’s most prominent and acclaimed television networks meeting global broadcasting standards and a jewel in the crown of the Turkuvaz Media Group. It has been a highly influential player in the shaping of Turkish television over the years due to its innovative and ground-breaking approach to program-making. As a leader in the TV broadcasting sector, ATV also has a powerful commercial capability. The channel is renowned for its enthralling dramas, hilarious comedies, action-packed series and engaging sitcoms – all of which are produced to the highest quality. With its creative and pioneering outlook, ATV successfully produces many unique and original programs, bringing an abundance of fabulous stories and first rate actors to the TV screen. Satisfying viewers for many years with its enormously popular dramas and entertainment shows, ATV incredibly reaches audience sizes that were once considered near impossible to achieve in Turkey. In addition, the distribution arm of ATV brings a wide array of choice and diversity, offering series exceeding 20,000 hours as well as formats and TV movies. ATV also has the highest foreign sales ratio among its competitors and its series that are sold to customers in over 30 countries worldwide achieve spectacular ratings.

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
Offres d'emploi déjà pourvues chez ATV
ATV, yay?n ak???, canl? yay?n?, dizi ve programlar?n detay bilgileri, özetleri, fragmanlar?, özel klipleri, bölüm videolar?, foto galerileri, haberleri, oyuncu bilgileri ve daha fazlas? için atv.com.tr
Source : Twitter Juillet 2018

Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Activité : Téléphériques et remontées mécaniques
  • Secteur : Consumer Discretionary
  • Nombre d'employés : 100 à 199 salariés (2016)
  • Chiffre d'affaire : $10M-$50M
  • Nature juridique : SA à conseil d'administration (s.a.i.)
  • Tech :
    google_adsense double_click yandex_metrica aws_route_53 twitter_button google_analytics taboola_ads
  • Code APE : 4939C
  • Date information : 01/08/2017
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