À propos

The oceans at the heart of the strategic, economic and environmental challenges ALSEAMAR is a subsidiary of ALCEN group. It operates in the field of the naval and maritime industry. The company intervenes in France and abroad, meeting the national and international standards in Defense & Security, research and offshore operations as well as oceanographic studies. ALSEAMAR designs and manufactures buoyancy foam for ultra-deep water, a range of underwater gliders, submarine and surface drones, submarine propellers, antennas, radio communication systems and acoustic positioning equipment. To do so, the company has developed a wide range of genuine and differentiating technologies. Our experts in France and all around the world ALSEAMAR’s commitment to its customers is based on the high skills and availability of its teams including over 50 engineers, able to be mobilized anywhere in the world. Our Key values: Science, People, Planet Because we intervene on complex and critical systems, we base our actions on a set of scientific and human values. We enforce rigor as core value of our engineers. We value human experience and partnerships which allow sustainable and lasting success. We encourage talents to join us. We make sure that our industry is environment-friendly

Source : Linkedin Mai 2018
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Détail sur l'entreprise

  • Localisation : 34 RUE DE L AVENIR, 83140 SIX FOURS LES PLAGES
  • Activité : Fabrication d'équipements de communication
  • Secteur : Industrials
  • Nombre d'employés : 20 à 49 salariés (2016)
  • Chiffre d'affaire : $10M-$50M
  • Nature juridique : SAS, société par actions simplifiée
  • Code APE : 2630Z
  • Date information : 31/01/2016
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